Sunday, January 31, 2010



So I decide to take the bootcamp or 1 on 1 with love systems. Because I don’t speak very good English I decide to take this bootcamp with the French instructor of love systems BISKIT.

You can read his bio here :


In the first I was going to take the bootcamp for 3 days for 3000 $ but I have problem to find money so I decide to take just the day game workshop 8 hours for 1500 $.


Before I take the bootcamp I like to be sure that Biskit understand some elements. I Phone him and tell him like money is not important for me and if I get the result I will give him more money and I ask him: what the worst student you ever have? I like just to tell him like I’m challenge because ok I’m tall good looking but not brad pitt looking I’m not very talkative gay and I have this little scar near of my eye. When I open the girl sometime she doesn’t really care sometime it is just turn of.

So he tell me : oh don’t worry we help gays like you all the time. You will be my 125 bootcamp bla bla..(So the gay know what he is doing).

We talk also about my Sticking Points he ask me what was my biggest problem in the field. I tell ita is ATTRACTION. I go I open sets I can have 10 sets 2 numbers close flake.

This is the translation of the first email I have with biskit :

Hi …

Indeed, I am the instructor in Francophone LoveSystems and I offer individual consultations (one-on-one) here in Montreal. First and foremost, I must say that I help people with stories like yours every week, so you need not worry. Get in touch with us is the first step towards change.

Now you must understand that the rates depend on your needs. Leave me your phone number so we can discuss your situation to find a program that will suit you best.

At soon.

We decide that we are going to meet a Friday

This is the translation of his email :


We will meet this Saturday (November 6 ) ( it November 7 not 6 he make mistake ) at Starbucks at the corner of steer at 9:30 am. If you go on lovesystems.com / Biskit, you can see a picture of me and so I recognize when you see me.

I invite you to bring paper and pencil to take notes as we are going to do a theory. I suggest you also have a bag to carry them, since we walk a lot.

Finally, I forget to mention you during our telephone conversation that tarifs must be in U.S. dollars. So there is a small adjustment tarif.1500 CAD USD = 1601.7000
Let me know if you have any questions and if-you-please send me your mailing address.

On Saturday

To tell you gays the truth I was so excited I’m going to meet this gay I couldn’t sleep I sleep just 3 hours in the morning. When you read something like this in his bio you just imagine some REAL PUA :

Travelling across the U.S., Canada, and Europe as a semi-professional athlete, Biskit learned to recognize and adapt to different cultures. Notches on his bedpost to date include Swedish models, Montreal actresses, Mexican yoga instructors, French tennis phenoms... and that's just in the past year.

1 comment:

  1. Tu sais dans les profiles, les photos et les témoignages ça reste une belle projection positive. Même choses pour les faits relatés à gauche et à droite. Mais à quoi t'attendais-tu réellement quand tu as aller sur le site de Love System ? Croyais-u qu'ils étaient pour dire que Biskit est un instructeur médiocre qui ne pogne de des pichous ?

    C'est normal qu'il vente leurs instructeurs ! C'est ;a toi de faire ta petite enquête et t'informer auprès du monde qui ont déjà fait affaires avec lui !

    Un mec m'a demandé récemment qu'est-ce que je pensais de Biskit, je lui ai dit d'aller voir tel et tel personne qui ont déjà fait des bootcamps et des one-on-one avec lui pour que les clients du coach en question (Biskit) lui donne l'heure juste !

    As-tu poussé ta petite enquête plus loin ? As-tu questionné les bonnes personnes ?

    À qui la faute ? Pas juste à Love System à mon humble avis ;)

